UN Transparency “Things that disappear” from roxanna bianco on Vimeo.

UN Transparency

“Things that disappear”.


Most people believe that corruption is something that takes place between two people, behind closed doors. Nothing could be further from the truth.


The role of this ad was to inform people of all ages that corrupton affects us ALL in some way. Victims of corruption do exist. They are us.


Our solution was to deliver a complex message in a very simple and “user-friendly” way by using drawings and intimate singing (a girl sings without any accompaniment).

Various sectors of our daily life such as roads, transport, buildings, parks and health are superimposed with drawings that continue to disappear. Like projects that disappear into nothingness.

The final scene presents the chilling reality that corruption not only takes something away from all of us….but that “something” could also be our life.


The commercial ran on TV as well as in airports. A press conference was held with UN and Transparency in Milan to present the campaign.


BEHIND THE SCENES: We received a letter of thanks from the Italian President, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi for our work in creating awareness regarding corruption in Italy.

sectors: | 2015