Yukiko and Nimei pearls

Pearls are the classic mainstay for a woman, especially worn on her wedding day, as they guarantee to make a woman (any woman) seem “purer”.

In this magazine ad for Yukiko, a string of classic pearls and a lady with attitude tell the story.


Nimei pearl jewellery is a more fashionable line of pearls for ladies who prefer a little more colour and flavour in their lives.

(Chilli) “Wear them with red, then say everything you like. They’ll find you very sweet.”

(Lime twist) “There’s always an essential detail that renders the cocktail perfect.”


BEHIND THE SCENES: The Yukiko campaign was produced in Milan as the war between Bosnia and Croatia was taking place. During the casting session I never thought to ask the models where they came from. We later discovered on set, our Yukiko model was from Bosnia and our photographer from Croatia. Not too many acting skills required on this shoot.

sectors: | 2009